Thursday, February 07, 2008

This Day In History: The Beatles Land

Reporter: What would you call that hairstyle you're wearing? George: Arthur. Reporter: What do you call that collar? Ringo: A collar.
1964: British Invasion launched with Beatles' arrival in U.S.
The musical British Invasion began when the Beatles landed in New York City this day in 1964, and two nights later, as Beatlemania stormed America, their performance on The Ed Sullivan Show was watched by 73 million viewers.

So I figured, why not post this totally shady looking CD that I bought a few years ago from Pennylane in Old Town before it closed. It's got A Hard Day's Night PLUS the swankified instrumental soundtrack from the movie, which was released in the summer of 1964 and is one of the funniest movies Ever, as well as being one of the movies that is the most fun to watch Ever. No joke. You can also watch it is a sociological project and see Beatlemania in action (for those of us who missed it the first time around.)

  • "I'm a mocker": A Hard Day's Night/UA Film Soundtrack [sharebee]
  • Buy? I have no idea where to get this copy. It's at home so I don't have the case, but it has Cyrillic on the back from what I remember. . .
  • Get the movie


Anonymous said...

thanks for this soundtrack, a hard day's night is my favorite beatles movie!

You and caitlin did a GREAT job with the lent comp - I've been listening to it almost non-stop - great mix of styles, tempos, and artists.

I'll forgive you for liking MCR if you forgive me for liking julee cruise, okay?

when I was ten, I told everybody that I was gonna marry tinkerbell . . .

Northern Jon said...

Have you seen this?


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