Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Star Wars: The Original Radio Drama, Episode 4, "While Giants Mark Time"

Y'all must be like, yo that bitch is on a ROLL. Two posts in one day? Wowzzerrs. But no, it's just that I fell asleep at ten last night and am now atoning for that little sin by having to stay up super late and do all the stuff I didn't do last night which means, of course, procrastinating! And I have a tummyache from some weird cookies. So now I'm drinking copious amounts of green tea.
Housing registration is tomorrow. My requirements are as follows: a Single, a Kitchen on the same floor, and a view of Broadway or Amsterdam. We're very lucky to get four years guaranteed housing. I just finished my reading in Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth which struck me as a indulging a bit in exoticism and generalization, but I guess he knows what he's talking about so I'll just shut up. &&& one of the things I hate about texting (cell-phone) is that you can never tell when the other individual wants a reply or if you can just let it hang. . . I hear it's all the rage in Europe though. Texting, that is.

Seeeooow, we've got Ep four, with the usual, increasingly esoteric episode title. Enjoy :]

On Tatooine, Threepio and Artoo bicker over the smaller droid's constant chatter about an important mission, and Threepio finally leaves Artoo to his fate and wanders aimlessly through the desert. But the droids aren't alone - Imperial troops have tracked the escape pod to the planet and have guessed that one or both droids are carrying the stolen Death Star plans. Threepio seeks refuge in a ground-roving transport - but is then picked up by Jawas to be resold as salvaged goods. Threepio gives away Artoo's position to the Jawas, who pick him up as well. The Jawas take their scaveneged droids and equipment to auction off at the nearest settlement, a moisture farm belonging to Owen Lars. Artoo takes the liberty of sabotaging the only other mechanic droid - an R5 unit - to ensure that he'll be freed from the Jawas and can then continue looking for General Kenobi. Owen buys both Artoo and Threepio and then entrusts them to Luke for cleaning and repairs before they begin working on the farm. During cleaning, Luke inadvertently triggers a holographic plea for help from Leia, recorded in Artoo's memory, and Artoo protests that the message is meant for Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke suspects that a local hermit named Ben Kenobi may have some connection - but while Luke reports his suspicions to Owen, Artoo slips away from the Lars farm to continue his quest (x).
Also, check out "I Harth Darth," an archived online comic. So adorable and quite cheeky.


Anonymous said...

How many of these episodes do you have?

b said...


and then there's empire strikes back & return of the jedi, but i hafta go back to LA to get those.


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