Thursday, January 31, 2008

Gender Discrimination Week: hiding from the women.

Well kids. It's one of those nights. I have actually been working for 3 hours, wrote one of my papers, and then with great drama and a few tears DELETED IT ALL. One of those nights. Got two papers due tomorrow (I guess it's today now), luckily in the afternoon, but still. . .

On the other hand, that means I'll be posting more music! Cos I can't focus! Time to make more tea! Time to stare out the window! Check my e-mail! Should I go to the vending machine? I hafta say these late nights are the ones that put on the extra pounds. Not the beer. Nor the pasta. And not even the Nutella straight out of the jar. Though today, I put it on a banana instead. Yes! I am indeed a smart eater. All-nighters are also prime time for online shopping! 20% off coupon? I better buy something cos I'll be saving! . . . No, no, doesn't work like that. . .

In the meantime, please enjoy these tracks, a small collection, by no means exhaustive, of ladies who consistently make it onto my playlist.


Jim said...

I have a friend who can be moved to tears by I'm A Man You Don't Meet Everyday. She gets *really* annoyed when I find it on a pub jukebox :)

No need to change me in your links, I don't think I'll keep the name for long, I mostly wondered if anyone actually paid attention, and it fitted in with the flood of Scottish stuff being posted.

Anonymous said...

hey b,
i hope your academic woes have eased up some so you can enjoy the weekend. . .
Thanks for the great music, you hit a home run with this series - I've enjoyed all of it, but the highlights for me are Dinah Shore (cheers to Caitlin!), you're late night mix-tape, and the post on Sister Marie - WOW! I'd never heard of her before your post, but she's become a huge favorite at the farm (her music entered our playlist right between the new Gougers record and One Step Beyond from Madness). . .
your post on Devil Doll sent me down a girl-fronted rockabilly and country-noirish sideroad for a couple of days and I wound up listening to Mirador by Paula Frazer's old band Tarnation - give it a listen (assuming you don't already have it!
and let me know what you think


Jim said...

Yeah, I'm slightly evil like that. It never fails to amuse me though :}


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