Wednesday, February 01, 2006

misc Boondock Saints mp3s

I adore this movie, which puts me in the "love" section of the "either love it or hate it" response to the film. I'm having trouble finding the soundtrack, but I was able to find some really random stuff here, including the theme.

Boondock Saints Theme

"Kicking Ass" (is the file title, don't know official name)

Courtroom Dialogue & Final Prayer

and check out this lj media resource.

so if you thought this film was a bunch of pseudo-Catholic bullshit with no plot and no discussion of the real implications of having guns and an idea that you're on a mission from God, sorry, i'll make it up with a future mind-blowing post. but for those who do like this film, enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just randomly saw this while looking for the words to the final prayer in the Boondock Saints, but the theme song is called The Legend.


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