Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Anansi Boys

Neil Gaiman's site has been redesigned and looks sleeker, snazzier, and easier to navigate, though I don't know if I like the big Neil picture on the side.

Mr Gaiman has written short stories, novels, children's books, and comics; his Sandman graphic novels have received numerous awards, acclaim, and about a gazillion fans, his novels have hit bestsellers lists, and awards are practically being thrown at everything he's published. Coraline is excellent, as is Neverwhere. I loved Anansi Boys and have to admit I enjoyed it more than American Gods, though both are well-written, creepy, and fantastic. Neil said at a booksigning (I waited 6 hours for him to sign a stolen piece of NYC public property and I'm sorry to say it wasn't worth it and I should have taken off after the talk) that Anansi Boys is a return to the more personal, British style of writing, with an active omnipotent narrator, and I find that I enjoy this style more. American Gods is a sweeping, impersonal narrative, much less involved than Anansi Boy's. Also, his short story collection Smoke and Mirrors is a good read, though I feel some of the stories are of much higher quality than others. I recommend Chivalry, Murder Mysteries, The Goldfish Pool. . ., the two Raymond Chandler-esque werewolf stories, and just to read the whole thing with the awareness that not everything in it feels like Gaiman at his best. And, of course, he wrote with Terry Pratchett the amazing Good Omens, a must-read.

Anyway-- to celebrate the new site (it really does look better than the old one), here are links to Sumomofo's recent series of postings that provided Gaiman fans with the Anansi Boys audiobook.


Anansi Boys (links will bring you to posts that contain the links to the files)
1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8

1 comment:

Philou said...

hello this is kid A
whispering sweet nothings into your ears from butler library
oh shit back to work!


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