Saturday, April 08, 2006


I have to be in the right mood to listen to this, or else it's too sweet and too sunshine-y. Which is a bad way to start off a post about music that I am recommending. . .

The band's site's own review of their product dedicates a good paragraph to each track, if you're curious. The mention of a Wes Anderson film seems fitting; it has that pastel feel.

I originally found out about them through Regnyouth (now .com), and here's what was said there :
The darling Detroit outfit’s second EP, 'Oh Honey, We’re Ridiculous', has a super chic happiness that proves itself just as addictive as it is immaculate. . . Pas/Cal's airtight pop and crunchy guitar noodling seems to frolic. From the perky handclaps to the final fade, Pas/Cal’s aural sunshine never finds a cloud.

Oh Honey, We're Ridiculous

Downloads Available from the Band Site:
What Happened to the Sands (Oh Honey EP)
The Bronze Beached Boys (Handbag Memoirs EP)

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