Wednesday, April 05, 2006

for the legions of GL fans that stop off here

. . . all 2 of you

Big Kyle fan.
But here's the new mask.

Written World takes it on in "Why can't poor Kyle ever cut a break?"
The author of that post remains optimistic: "And I'm almost positive that face obscuration is not a mask, but [weird] lighting. I hope." (ha ha)


Jim said...

Hmm, can't say I like it. Not even an improvement over that hideous crab face thing.

Anonymous said...

you got another one in the mail, but i dunno what we've been doing with the other ones. ....

i liked brick.

where did kyle's mouth go?

b said...

yeah that's the worse part. you would think they'd be able to do better than the crab one. . . but nooo. maybe it'll grow on us? maybe not.

Jim said...

For someone who is (or at least was) a comic book artist/graphic designer, Kyle has always had sucky costumes.
I'm definetly not digging the Ion costume, the mask in particular reminds me too much of Captain Marvel/Photon.

Ragnell said...

On the plus side, the preview art (which isn't too good, actually, but that was months before the coloring was finished. I'd advise a flip through in the LCS) shows him with a regular mask. I don't know why the covers show such icky stuff.

b said...

i remember seeing those pages. . . but then the covers often show the Big Thing of the issue. . . and maybe the Big Thing is Kyle's appropriation of that mask, the one that, as Jim pointed out, once again refuses to answer the if-Kyle-is-an-artist. . .? question.

Ragnell said...

Did you read the Rann-Thanagar War Special yet? It's where he gets the new costume. I'm not sure he had much of a choice in the "masks" this time.

b said...

man oh man. going to college has totally cut me off from the comic world. i'm getting on the subway right now and hanging out at the comic shop until i figure out wtf is going on. thanks for the heads up! :)


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