Thursday, January 12, 2006

i'm a blue blaze irregular too

What do you get when Wes Anderson watches Buckaroo Banzai?

. . . the ending sequence of the Life Aquatic!

"Wes Anderson has stated the walking sequence in the final credits is an homage to The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, also starring Jeff Goldblum."
i was so excited to learn this that i had to share it with you guys and make two photoshop pieces, one featuring buckaroo banzai-ness and the other with life aquatic-ness.

perfect tommy pic from here, little swirlies are from t-mobile's latest ad campaign (i made the big one with a brush and the twirl filter). life aquatic pic was floating around on google, i made the squares, and, yes, those are jesus fish. aren't they cute? note the colors!

buckaroo banzai endtitle
versus life aquatic endtitle

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